Well, it's that time again. Or at least, it's almost that time again. We have our work due for this Friday, and, truth be told, I have more than I can manage.
At this point it's quite obvious that there's no way I can pass both modules, so I've been thinking that my best bet is to pick one -the biggest one- and just focus on that. It improves my chance of passing that one but pretty much assures that I'll fail the other, but at least I'll have one clean and clear out of the way. I can, I believe, resit the second module, and since it's the smaller one it should be more managable running alongside my next modules. It's not in concrete yet but I really see no other way - it's a choice of do I want to tackle four modules at once, or three?
I do wholeheartedly blame myself, though. It was me who put myself into this situation. Though events that have transpired recently have had me stressing for a week and then mourning for another, I should have just bitten the bullet and got on with things rather than just sit around in self pity. Everyone else seemed to just manage to get on, but no...
Well, that's the state of play.
Taking all things into consideration, I'll be focusing entirely on AD109 and pretty much ignoring AD102, so my week is as follows:
Monday - Worked partially on AD102 and AD109, have since decided to give priority to AD109 (unless, of course, Dave comes along and clips me about the head for making such a stupid decision)
Tuesday - Focus on finalisation and neat presentation of all research - Ident research, Ident style/visual references
Wednesday - The Ident itself should be finished by the end of Wednesday, early Thurday at the latest, giving me time to evaluate. Storyboard and concept visuals should take a backseat, but I would like them to be coloured and presented today, if not
Thurday - Storyboards and concept visuals should be fully presented by the end of Thursday at latest; evaluation of animation complete
Friday - Tidying up, any final presentation and file sorting done, then hand in.
It's gonna be a busy, busy week.
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