Friday, 21 October 2011

Update on Updating the Updated Updates

Well, it's time to start structuring my posts a bit, I think. I spend far too much time waffling aimlessly and miss things out... so here goes.

First, the SMART target thing.

S - Produce a walk cycle and a run cycle to go with my walk-run transition

M - By Tuesday I should be starting to colour up my line tests (or the best existing one)

A - Completely polish up my character sheets and, if I have spare time, produce some concepts of nameless characters. I might just add cat-cameos in. Easy way to differentiate background characters, and I get to draw my cats!

R - Finalize script. This may sound a bit odd since it should have been finalized ages ago, but the reason it's dragged on so long is basically because I just couldn't decide whether to have dialogue or not. Pros: It's easier to exposit on world backstory and character motivations, thus avoiding plotholes. Cons: it makes the animation seem like it could end up overtly mainstream and I think that silent characters that communicate purely with expressions and (cat!) body language could add a more natural feel to the story. And prevent them from being too... Humanized? Personified? Anthropomoromorphorizedificated? I don't know. I'll probably go with silent characters at this point, though, I just think it sort of suits me better. And it'll be a healthy challenge to see how much of the backstory I can reveal with image alone.

T - Just make sure the finalized storyboard matches the final script and check continuity before continuing line tests appropriate to that script.

Current Line Tests!

I have two line tests so far, both for my protagonist, Okri. Sorry that they're so faint.

This one is based on one of Muybridge's studies and I think it looks alright, but it's the one I need a walk cycle and run cycle for.

If you squint reeeeeeally carefully, you can see it's a sort of 3/4 view of Okri walking over and sitting down. I did extend this test so that once she's comfy she begins to clean herself, but I haven't actually line tested the rest yet. I'll upload when I do.


Had a critique too, it went fairly well. Well... if you ignore the fact that I got my Youtube accounts mixed up, tried to log into the wrong one, couldn't get the password right and so reset the password of that account to the wrong email account which I'd also lost the password for, so I reset the password for that email account so that I could get the reset password for my Youtube account, logged in to find it was the wrong one, so then I tried to log in using a different email but the password was wrong for that too, logged into the second email to check that it was the right Youtube account and eventually started chucking random emails and passwords at the Youtube login to discover ages later that both accounts were wrong, it was actually a third account I was after.

What a faff.

But anyway, I think it went okay other than that, but I've been warned to focus on the bigger picture and not get lost in details. What a load of rubbish, don't you think? Why, someone with a concise and accurate, completely organized mind like mine couldn't possibly become distracted by trivial detail and fail to cross the finish line! Right? Right?



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