Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Hello! (Typical Title is Typical)

I really should have done this earlier but I dunno.  I can never think of anything to say when I initially join a new site -- moreso when you're doing it for class, and you basically have no idea how formal you need to be.  So I've decided to throw formality in a box, put that box in a bigger box, then put THAT box in an even bigger box, then whack it with a hammer.  If anyone knows what film I just referenced, you get a cookie!

Soo.  I'm Rachel, a student from Newcastle College currently studying animation.  I've never actually had a blog before, unless deviantART-type things count, so I'm a serial waffler.  And you know, right now, I have this bizarre urge to animate something, but I should really be working on my artwork because apparently, come Thursday, we're going to be putting it all together in Cinema 4D.  Not something I can say I'm looking forward to... last time I tried to use it, I achieved nothing but make a very bad looking cityscape and make a monkey spin around uncontrollably at high speed in highly unpredictable patterns.  It's early days, though, I suppose.

What I'm wondering is if Blender would support the same type of useage... I think the general idea is that you take a picture and a silhouette of the same thing and apply it as a texture to a flat plane.  In Cinema 4D as far as I can tell it's a matter of importing, clicking and dragging, but Blender has this whole texture-baking malarky that I don't understand in the slightest yet.  Ah well.

I was also told to make a little list of what I'm supposed to be doing this week, so I'll do that too.

-Monday: Day I was (supposed) to update my blog.  However, I chickened away from both it and those Macs repeatedly (darn those Macs!) so I didn't...
-Tuesday: Blog's been updated!  Now I just need to learn how to upload my stuff so far, and gather a few different examples of work.  I'll see to those tomorrow, though, my artwork's needing to be done today.  Found a fantastic site stuffed with free-to-use textures though, which'll save me a lot of time!  I redesigned the main set for my animation as well (I thought if I'm going to be messing with all the images anyway, I might aswell) which should let me chop it up better and when it comes to animating, I should be able to get a better sense of depth.  Hopefully!
-Wednesday: Continuation with artwork, and I'll tend to this thing more.  Next week I'll just do it all on Monday though.  If I get everything polished up before the end of the day, I'll invest some time into finalising that research that's still dotted around everywhere.  I'm just so aweful at research.
-Thurday: Have to have everything polished up, we're being taught more Cinema 4D and as far as I'm aware we'll be sticking the whole thing together.

Tatty bye!

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