Friday, 24 February 2012

Placeholder Posts (Platonicerific Primative... P'Free)


Well, it's been another week already. Joy!

Basically it's been a week of more or less struggling with a single scene. Yes. One. Single. Scene. Because being the cleverclogs I am I decided to have a character raise its head, camera panning with it, and then do this really dodgy head turn which probably would look really impressive if I had the skill to pull it off (Read: I don't). So because of that I've let myself fall behind again... not good. I'm putting that scene to one side and moving onto easier scenes, needless to say. I can cut it if I don't have time at the end. Also, I forgot my memory stick today so I can't show you what we've been up to in Cinema 4D (go figure), but it's basically taking a photograph and building objects which it is projected onto; makes it 3D and camera pans around it look badass. Well, not my one, but Paul's looked badass. I'm actually quite excited about getting it down because my remake(/completion?) of my Nidhogg and the Eagle could really make use of it.

Dave approached us the other day two and he has an idea for our portfolios that sounds pretty exciting too - make a character in digital 3D which'll then be made into a figure. With moving joints. MOVING JOINTS. That's awesome! I'm hoping I can get a figure of one of my personal characters since it seems to be an extra-curricular thing, and because they're more interesting than my course characters, which is pretty sad really. Try as hard as I might, I just can't design characters quite as freely as my own projects. Trying to cling onto ideas I like for personal use probably has something to do with it.

Geez, I'm so scatterbrained today. I'm just sort of oogling this blog post, racking my brains for something to do or talk about. I want my computer. And my software, and my tablet. And coffee. I'd love coffee. And my memory stick. Also, coffee.

Mmm. Coffee gooooood.

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