Well I just found out that I have, once again, misjudged the time I have for my animation's completion... not out of my usual generally crappy time management but this time from simply getting the wrong handin date. So now it's crunch time, and though I don't expect to actually finish, I'm going to see how much I can get done. And if it comes to it, worst case scenario is that I chop out the fancy looking bits and make a trailer, and maybe the full thing will be done for our independent exhibition at the Shadow and Moon Cinema at a later date. Or is it sooner? Damn my lack of organisation! I hope I at least got the name of the place right. So far it's been Star and Moon, Star and Shadow, Star and Space and 'that place with the two things... you know, the astrononomicalisticismish name. You know'.
I would really like to get it finished though.
Also, iTunes, I'm afraid you're rubbish.
I have an iPod that was paid for fair and square. I have a computer that was paid for fair and square. So why is it my computer isn't allowed to play music from my iPod that was bought on iTunes? Oh, because it's not authorised! But it's okay, you can authorise UP TO 5 COMPUTERS for each account, and let them play the music bought from that account! Yaaaay!
Well that's a load of
It's a little complaint but this is one of the main reasons the public prefer to get their stuff using 'alternate methods'. I've heard the complaint made by a lot of people with a variation of digital goods... music, films and video games is a common one. This is an issue in the fight against piracy. In this example: I can pay for a track of music online and get it on my iPod. I can only play this on 5 computers and it comes with its own dodgy sound file type. Or... I can get it for free, play it on anywhere, anything, as much as I like, and have it in a file type that I can do whatever I like with. Which sounds better for the consumer? Fix it, people! They can't expect to beat piracy if they keep making it look so much more appealing.
Rant mode deactivated.
Geez. After all that needless ranting, I need something to cheer me up.
And there it is!