Friday, 25 November 2011


We finished all of our B-Movies today!  Yes, I know I have in no way mentioned the fact that we've been doing B-movies, and it probably goes without saying that there should have already been multiple posts detailing the descent into madness that IS B-movies, but don't worry!  It's finally time for the long-winded and uninteresting digital verbal diahorrea that is my blogging!

So this project gave us two weeks to produce a short film based on Hollywood B-movies from around the 1950s-1960s, if I'm remembering correctly.  Our group was a bit on the dodgy side though, if I have to be honest.  We initially started out with 4 members, but on the first day one member decided not to do the project for personal reasons and another member was absent.  So we had another person put into our group to try and bulk the numbers up.  Then one of our remaining original group members had to miss the final week of the project, while another member who had been absent for the initial concept returned and, honestly, communication between the four of us was iffy at best, though we got good work done when we worked together.  I think in the next project I'm going to try and take much better care to harrass my team for guidance regularly :D

It also left us a little behind on the other groups, I think, because concepts and bits and bobs that should have been finalised in the first week sort of seemed to carry over.  We spent a long time rubbing our chins over the details and I think this caused our final piece to seem a little rushed in places.  But overall I'm happy; it was nice to try something new.  Ross made some really creepy monsters that I was personally chuffed about because they're exactly what I like, and Lindsey did some badass sound design and editing.  Not to mention she did the write up, which is possibly the most boring section of the project altogether, so I took on the final script but haven't finished it yet.  (Bet you didn't see THAT coming, eh?!)  And she was the actor too... poor overworked Lindsey... sorry 'bout that. XD

So, our film short was originally going to be a full story but we decided to take the easy option and do a trailer instead.  It's supposed to be a fairly serious horror trailer, and here it is!

Now it's a bit choppy in places, yeah, but I have some ideas for possible edits I could do before final handin.   I'd like to try and see what the video looks like with rotoscoping and perhaps some manipulation of the monsters, perhaps changes to how they affect their environments.  Some more varied camera shots (close ups, anyone?) might also help to make it more dramatic.

The other groups I think did some excellent work!  I loved their animations so much, I jumped on our presentation computer on the sly and stole a copy of each group's animation.  I'm a big fan of awesome and sometimes I can't just let it slip me by, y'see.  I'll upload them a different time though, the internet is so slow it's taken ages just to load up my group's video.

Next week we have our presentations and another group project with a new group.  We have to produce 3 MTV idents that work with each other; they're going to be virtual 3D animation in a real environment... sounds interesting!

On a completely random last note, does anyone else think our monsters look like Endermen?

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